Good, and clean...and dry, tra-la-la
An invasive North American accent, which I could hear clearly across the beach, from 60 metres away, told her female companion that she was in a bad mood! I thought to myself, I actually haven't heard that expression for a long long time. Come to think of it, who's choice is it that you are in a bad mood? Nobody else's but yours. You are the only person in control of how the mood effects your day, being, existence! What the fuck is a bad mood anyway? It's like people getting offended? Grow up! If something or someone happens to annoy you, it's completely in your control to NOT get in a bad mood, especially if it's a small thing or things, like I had the other day. I actually can't remember when I let a bad mood adversely affect my day, it's somewhat juvenile actually. Get a fucking life woman, you are on a Caribbean island, on the beach in a bikini, get over yourself, how bad can life be right now? I went to the immigration office to get my tourist visa...